Hey y'all, Bella Raye here.

This is my story.

I was born and raised in a small town called Bristol, home of NASCAR and the Birthplace of Country Music, about as North East as you can go in Tennessee. My elementary school, middle school, and high school were all within two miles of each other, and I had the same friends for twelve straight years. Away from my guitar, you could find me on the volleyball court playing my heart out. I was also involved in several other extracurricular activities such as a bluegrass band called Slim Pickens, the Madrigal's choir, and helping out with fundraising organizations on a before and after school basis. I ended up graduating early to jumpstart my Nashville country super star dream, and put my newfound skills of songwriting and performing to the test.

I did then, and still do, enjoy writing songs with raw emotions behind them, songs with a purpose and lyrics that make your heart dance when you listen to them. Songwriting for me was, and still is, a way that I can express my emotions and feelings; good, bad, happy, sad. They are personal to me, but they can also be felt by anyone growing into their own as a person. Fast forward 6 years into my career in Nashville, TN, I can confidently say that the music I put out 110% embodies who I have become as a woman in this industry. I hope I can continue to be people of all ages’ voice to be exactly who they are, and no one else, for years to come.

Let me leave you with this piece of advice:

Never, ever, let ANYONE tell you that your dreams are too big or that you need to “find a Plan B because nobody ever makes it as a _______”. That's bull. Work hard, turn your tunnel vision on, and keep going no matter what. One day you will shine.

I am working towards my dream not only for myself, but for every young boy and girl who has ever had a dream but became discouraged to the point of giving it up. I am the voice for anyone who had “too big” of a dream, and I won’t give up until everyone hears it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story. Hopefully, now you can understand why music is my only road and why I work so hard every day to achieve that dream.

Don't let anyone dull your sparkle. Stay shiny, beautiful one.


Bella Raye


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